Credit Union Member Services 5 Best Practices of Digital Account Opening to Unlock Endless Benefits


5 Best Practices of Digital Account Opening to Unlock Endless Benefits

These days, modern credit union members expect more from their financial institutions. They seek personalized care and attention to detail that larger banks often lack. To retain these members, your credit union must be committed to making their lives easier and more convenient in every possible way.

One crucial aspect of member satisfaction is digital account opening. Younger members, in particular, value this feature highly. However, simply offering it isn’t enough. To truly stand out, there are several best practices you should follow.

5 Best Practices of Digital Account Opening to Unlock Endless Benefits

Why is Digital Account Opening So Important?

A poor digital account opening experience can be worse than not offering the service at all. Not only does it complicate a straightforward task, but it also negatively impacts your marketing and community outreach efforts. Members often judge your entire organization based on the time it takes to open an account online. If the process is slow and cumbersome, it reflects poorly on your credit union as a whole.


Best Practices for Digital Account Opening

  1. Streamline the Process: Simplify each step of the account opening process. Remove any unnecessary fields and only ask for essential information. The more straightforward the process, the better the experience for the member.
  2. Use Modern Technology: Implementing technologies such as ID scanning and electronic signatures can significantly speed up the process. These tools not only save time but also reduce errors and enhance security.
  3. Mobile Optimization: Ensure that your digital account opening process is fully optimized for mobile devices. Many members prefer to complete such tasks on their smartphones or tablets, so a mobile-friendly interface is crucial.
  4. Clear Instructions and Support: Provide clear, concise instructions at each step of the process. Additionally, offer real-time support options, such as live chat, to assist members who may have questions or encounter issues.
  5. Test and Improve: Regularly test your digital account opening process to identify any pain points. Collect feedback from members and use it to make continuous improvements.

Bonus: Don't Forget to Build Efficiency Into Your Process

Efficiency is crucial, especially for time-consuming steps like identity verification. By implementing ID scanning technology, you can streamline the document collection process in a secure manner. Just because a step is important doesn’t mean it has to be difficult or time-consuming.

High-quality digital account opening is just one way your credit union can create a standout onboarding experience. A smooth and efficient process can set the tone for the entire member relationship, demonstrating your commitment to convenience and innovation.


Enhance Your Credit Union's Digital Account Opening With FLEX

In today’s competitive financial landscape, offering a seamless digital account opening experience is more important than ever. By focusing on efficiency, leveraging modern technologies, and continually seeking to improve, your credit union can meet and exceed member expectations.

At FLEX, we’ve authored an eGuide filled with recommendations and best practices to help your credit union excel. Download our eGuide to discover more techniques you can start using today to enhance your digital account opening process.

Digital Account Services eGuide

Preston Packer

Written By: Preston Packer

Executive Vice President | CMO at FLEX Credit Union Technology
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