Credit Union Core Processing Review The Ultimate Checklist for Credit Union Core Conversion


The Ultimate Checklist for Credit Union Core Conversion

Embarking on a core conversion is a strategic move to enhance efficiency, improve member experience, and align operations with evolving industry needs. In this comprehensive blog, we'll navigate through the crucial pre, during, and post-conversion phases, providing essential checklists to ensure a smooth transition. Let's delve into the key steps and considerations, setting the stage for your credit union's successful transformation. 

The Ultimate Checklist for Credit Union Core Conversion

Pre-conversion Checklist

Before starting the core processor conversion for your credit union, it's crucial to create a comprehensive pre-conversion checklist. This checklist should include tasks such as:

1. Assess your current system

Assessing your current system is the crucial first step in a successful credit union core processor conversion. Take the time to thoroughly evaluate your current core processor system to understand its strengths and weaknesses. Look for any pain points or areas that need improvement, such as slow processing times, limited functionality, or outdated technology.

By identifying these areas, you can ensure that the new core processor system addresses these issues and provides the necessary improvements for your credit union.

2. Defining your goals

Defining your goals is essential to ensure a smooth and successful core processor conversion. Take the time to clearly define your objectives and determine what you want to achieve with the new core processor system. Are you looking to improve efficiency, enhance member experience, or expand your service offerings?

By clearly defining your goals, you can align the conversion process with your credit union's strategic objectives and ensure that the new core processor system meets your specific needs.

3. Conducting thorough research

Thorough research is key to finding the right core processor system for your credit union. Take the time to explore different options available in the market and consider factors such as:

  • Cost: Look for a core processor system that aligns with your credit union's size, budget, and long-term goals.
  • Features: Consider the features and functionalities that are essential for your operations and ensure that the system can scale as your credit union grows.
  • Customer reviews: Read customer reviews and testimonials to gain insights into the reliability and customer satisfaction of each core processor option.

4. Creating a project plan

Ensure a smooth and organized core processor conversion with a solid plan.

  • Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines each step of the conversion process, from data migration to system configuration and testing.
  • Assign responsibilities to team members based on their expertise and provide them with clear guidelines and expectations.
  • Set realistic timelines for each task to ensure that the conversion stays on schedule.
  • Regularly review and update the project plan as needed to accommodate any changes or challenges that may arise during the conversion process.

5. Communicating with stakeholders

Effective communication is essential to keep all stakeholders informed and engaged throughout the core processor conversion. Inform your employees, members, and vendors about the upcoming conversion and the reasons behind it. Clearly communicate the benefits and improvements that the new core processor system will bring to the credit union and address any concerns or questions they may have.

Throughout the conversion process, provide regular updates to keep stakeholders informed of the progress and any changes or challenges that may arise. Open and transparent communication will help build trust and ensure a smooth transition to the new core processor system.


During-conversion Checklist

During the core processor conversion, it's important to stay organized and follow a checklist to avoid any disruptions or issues. Here are some tasks to include in your during-conversion checklist:

1. Data migration

Transfer all necessary data from the old system to the new core processor. Ensure data integrity and accuracy throughout the migration process. This includes ensuring that all member information, transaction histories, and account details are successfully transferred to the new system.

It's important to carefully map out the data migration process to ensure that no information is lost or corrupted during the transition.

2. System configuration

Configure the new core processor system according to your credit union's specific requirements. Customize settings, workflows, and user permissions to align with your credit union's unique processes and needs.

This may involve setting up different user roles and permissions, establishing workflows for various tasks, and integrating any third-party software or applications that are necessary for your credit union's operations.

3. Testing and validation

Perform extensive testing to verify the functionality and performance of the new system. This involves conducting various tests to ensure that all features and functionalities are working as intended. Identify and resolve any issues or bugs that may arise by testing different scenarios, such as:

It's important to involve a cross-functional team in the testing process to get a comprehensive understanding of the system's performance.

4. Communication and support

Maintain open lines of communication with your core processor provider. Throughout the conversion process, it's important to keep them informed about any challenges or concerns that may arise.

Regularly communicate with your provider to address any technical issues, clarify any ambiguities, or seek guidance on best practices. This will help ensure a smooth conversion and minimize any potential disruptions.

5. Member communication

Keep your credit union members informed about the conversion progress. It's essential to provide regular updates, answer their questions, and address any concerns they may have.

  • Communicate the benefits and improvements that the new core processor system will bring to their banking experience.
  • Provide clear instructions on any changes they may need to make, such as updating login credentials or accessing new features. 

Open and transparent communication with your members will help build trust and ensure a smooth transition.

6. Continuity of operations

Ensure that critical business operations continue without interruption during the conversion process. Implement backup plans and contingency measures to minimize any potential disruptions. This may involve temporarily adjusting work processes or utilizing alternative systems or resources to ensure that essential services, such as transaction processing and member support, can still be provided.

It's important to have a detailed plan in place to address any unexpected challenges that may arise and to ensure that your credit union's operations continue seamlessly.


Post-conversion Checklist

Once the core processor conversion is complete, there are still several important tasks to address. Here's a post-conversion checklist to guide you:

1. System validation

After the core conversion, it is crucial to validate the system to ensure a seamless transition. This involves carefully checking that all data from the old system has been accurately transferred to the new core processor. 

During the system validation process, perform various tests to ensure that member information, transaction histories, and account details are successfully migrated and accessible in the new system. This includes testing the accuracy of:

  • Account balances
  • Transaction records
  • Member profiles

Additionally, check that all integrations are functioning properly so you can identify any issues or discrepancies that may have arisen during the conversion process.

2. Member support

During the post-conversion phase, it is crucial to provide continuous support to your credit union members as they familiarize themselves with the new core processor system. Transitioning to a new system can be challenging for members, so it is important to offer resources like these:

  • Training resources
  • FAQs
  • Support team

By offering ongoing support and resources, you can help members feel confident and comfortable using the new core processor system, ultimately enhancing their banking experience.

3. Performance monitoring

Once the core processor conversion is complete, it is important to consistently monitor the performance of the new system. This allows you to identify any areas of improvement or potential issues that may arise. Do this by regularly assessing:

  • Key performance indicators: check system response time, transaction processing speed, and overall system stability. Compare these metrics to the performance benchmarks established during the planning phase of the conversion.
  • Feedback: gather feedback from employees and members regarding their experience with the new system. This can be done through surveys or interviews to gain valuable insights into their satisfaction and identify any pain points or areas for improvements. 

Actively monitoring the performance of the new core processor system will ensure that it is operating optimally and meeting the needs of your credit union and its members.


Finding the Right Core Processor

A successful credit union core conversion requires meticulous planning, transparent communication, and ongoing dedication to member satisfaction. By following the comprehensive pre, during, and post-conversion checklists, you pave the way for a seamless transition.

Are you looking to change core? Download our free eGuide for essential insights and expert tips to make the conversion process smooth. 

Core Technology Survival Guide





Preston Packer

Written By: Preston Packer

Executive Vice President | CMO at FLEX Credit Union Technology
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