5 Must Have Mobile Banking Video Tutorials for Credit Union Websites

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Studies have found that 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual. Additionally, visuals are processed by the brain 60,000 times faster than text and videos improve learning retention by up to 400% over text-based manuals. Understanding exactly how to use your mobile banking app is critical for your members and their digital experience. While some tools might seem self-explanatory, many features are not so easy to grasp. And while at times, on-screen instructions are sufficient, they often aren’t enough, especially when the task involves multiple steps.

A video tutorial is a great way to easily walk your members through accomplishing a task, such as resetting a password or checking a balance. This improves efficiency within your CU as well by eliminating the need for the member to call the branch. Whether it’s an overall tutorial of all the best features, or just a quick video on how to log in, many credit unions and their mobile banking providers have turned to videos to better explain all the great and innovative features their app offers.

With that in mind, here are the most common must-have video tutorials all credit unions should have on their website.

  1. High-level overview of Online Banking: Providing a basic overview of how online banking works - its conveniences and efficiencies - is a great place to start. This overview should be brief, only lasting a few minutes. Cover the most frequently used features and save the specifics for later. It should convey the overall look and feel of your digital platform and give insight into basic navigation. Don’t hesitate to remind your members they are still interacting with your credit union (just digitally). Let them know it’s safe and secure and available around the clock, however, they are still welcome to stop by the branch to see a familiar face.
  2. Overview of the mobile app: Once you have provided an overview of digital banking in general, especially for those members that might be newer to online banking concepts, it’s a good idea to provide a walkthrough of the app itself and all it can do. Show examples of screen layouts, menu options, screen transitions, and how to navigate to the most important functions. This is extremely helpful because it empowers members to answer their own questions, and will cut back on unnecessary calls into the branch, further creating efficiencies.
  3. Dealing with a disabled or locked account: This is a frequently occurring situation for just about anyone logging into an online account, but especially to their mobile banking account where high-security password requirements like numbers, capitals and special characters also make the password more difficult to remember. It’s not uncommon to forget or lose track of passwords and lock yourself out after multiple attempts. A video outlining the steps to verify identity and unlock an account is important. In many cases, this will result in the member needing to contact the credit union or possibly go through the “forgot password” process.
  4. How to retrieve a forgotten password: Adding to the above scenario, forgetting a password is a frequent occurrence, and providing instructions on how to easily reset the password is an important efficiency and vital to your member's digital experience. A simple video with step-by-step instructions can get the situation resolved quickly.
  5. Registering your mobile device for the first time: Another essential step for your members to accomplish before they can fully leverage their mobile app is to register their device. They may need to authorize their device through the online platform or verify it via text message or email. This might seem overwhelming to some, but that’s precisely where a great instructional video can make a huge difference.

The future is in mobile banking and your members need to visual education in order to achieve a certain comfort level and enjoy all it has to offer. It’s not necessary to re-invent the wheel. Look at examples of videos other credit unions have used to help educate their members. 

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