The FLEX Connexion Blog

Using Social Media to Prevent Card Fraud

Written by Preston Packer | Nov 10, 2017

Spending money is almost certainly a daily event, and those credit and debit cards surely get a workout. In an environment where card fraud and security risk is increasingly prevalent, is your card management product ready for all that action? More importantly, how are you marketing your card controls to your members? Recent card control developments have come about that can not only help your members get a grip on all that activity but also allow them to more closely monitor exactly what is happening with their accounts. However, if members are not aware that they exist, and are therefore not using them, what good do they do? Take a queue from a Utah credit union who infused humor into their social media feed to illustrate to members the capabilities of their mobile banking app to protect them:

Social media is full of funny memes and stories of lost credit cards, kids taking their parent's card out on a spending spree or those embarrassing situations where your credit card is denied on that all important date with the person you were certain was your future spouse. The brain processes images 60,000 times faster than it does text, and in fact, 93% of all human communication is visual. And yes... all your members fall into the human category! Consider using social media images and memes to get your member's attention to educate, not just laugh, about remote control credit cards.

There is no denying the peace of mind provided by remote control debit and credit cards. For one thing, members can use your mobile app to turn the credit card off, avoiding the inevitable scramble to locate a customer service number and account number when all of that is on the back of the card that was stolen or lost:

Recent card management developments have granted power to cardholders not previously seen before. Being able to see where you are with your card balance can be great during the holiday season for budgeting:

...or seeing exactly what has been charged and where can be the first sign of stolen card information:


... or perhaps the "thief" is actually your teenager with an overspending problem:

Not all posts need to be funny in order to get your member's attention and to get the word out about remote control debit cards. As we discussed in the related article 10 Ways to Boost Member Services Adoption Via Social Media, don't overdo humor, especially if it is not part of your branding. Consider sharing facts about card fraud that can catch their attention so they know it is no laughing matter and they should take action:

Social media, whether we like it or not, is a place where humans live, interact, and get their data. Facebook has 1.9 Billion monthly users! And image posts get nearly 44% more interactions than text only. If your cards offer specific limits, purchasing perimeters, advanced security tools and more, be sure to let your members know. Appeal to their visual side and use social media to promote these tools and all the great ways your product allows them to manage their accounts and keep a handle on that holiday spending. Show them another example of The Credit Union Difference: