Credit Union Member Services Do Reward Programs Actually Build Loyalty? Here's What You Should Know


Do Reward Programs Actually Build Loyalty? Here's What You Should Know

In a world where consumers are constantly bombarded with choices, loyalty programs have emerged as a key strategy for fostering member retention and engagement. About 80% of people in the US are part of a loyalty program, highlighting the popularity and potential impact of these initiatives. But are these programs effective?


Do Reward Programs Actually Build Loyalty? Heres What You Should Know


Do Rewards Programs Work?

To answer the question, yes, rewards programs do work. However, to truly reap the benefits, your credit union must design and implement your rewards program effectively. Many believe loyalty programs don’t work, often because they are not structured or managed correctly. Let’s explore how to build an effective member loyalty program that drives real results.


Tips for Building an Effective Loyalty Program

1. Simplify the Process

A rewards program should be easy for members to understand and use. Complexity can deter participation and reduce satisfaction. Ensure that earning and redeeming points is straightforward. Clearly communicate the rules, benefits, and ways members can track their progress. A user-friendly online portal or mobile app can significantly enhance the experience.

2. Add Real Value

To motivate members, rewards need to offer tangible value. This could be in the form of...

  • Cash back
  • Gift cards
  • Loan discounts
  • Exclusive access to special events

Understand what your members value most by conducting surveys or analyzing spending patterns, and tailor the rewards accordingly. Offering a variety of reward options can cater to different preferences, making the program more appealing.

3. Incorporate Gamification

Gamification involves using game-like elements to make the rewards program more engaging and fun. This can include earning...

  • Badges
  • Reaching milestones
  • Participating in challenges

Gamification can create a sense of excitement and accomplishment, encouraging members to engage more frequently and enthusiastically with the program.


Benefits of a Rewards Program

1. Boost Revenue and Retention

Effective rewards programs can significantly boost revenue by encouraging members to use more of the credit union’s products and services. By rewarding behaviors such as frequent transactions, loan applications, or new account openings, credit unions can drive increased activity and higher transaction volumes.

Additionally, members who feel valued and rewarded are more likely to stay loyal, reducing churn rates.

2. Increase Engagement

Rewards programs incentivize members to engage more with the credit union. This could mean...

  • More visits to the branch
  • Higher usage of online banking
  • Increased participation in financial education programs

Engaged members are more likely to explore and utilize the full range of services offered, leading to a more comprehensive and beneficial banking relationship.

3. Cross-Selling Opportunities

A well-designed rewards program creates numerous cross-selling opportunities. By offering rewards for trying new products or services, credit unions can introduce members to offerings they might not have considered otherwise.

For example, a member primarily using a checking account might be incentivized to take out a loan or open a savings account through reward-based promotions.


Enhance Member Engagement with FLEX Technology

Reward programs, when executed correctly, are powerful tools for building member loyalty and driving engagement. As credit unions continue to innovate and enhance their member services, a well-structured rewards program can be a cornerstone of a successful member engagement strategy.

FLEX understands the importance of member services like these, that is why we have authored a member services eGuide to help you boost overall engagement with current and potential members. Click the button below to learn more. 

Download our Member Services eBook


Preston Packer

Written By: Preston Packer

Executive Vice President | CMO at FLEX Credit Union Technology
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