The FLEX Connexion Blog

Make Your Member Service Shine this Holiday Season

Written by Preston Packer | Nov 21, 2019

Perception and Reality are oftentimes two different things. You may think your member service is fantastic- certainly better than average. But is that really true? Outstanding member service is something that every business knows is important and stresses the concept in their value statements, employee training, and mission. There are certainly many brands that make exceptional service a priority, such as Apple, Disney, and Amazon. They set the new level of standards for companies that want to provide the best experience possible. Just as perception and reality are two different things, saying and doing do not hold equal weight.

Many companies already believe their service is exceptional when reality tells otherwise. 80 percent of businesses believe they deliver "superior" customer service, while only 8 percent of those actual consumers believe they have experienced superior service from those same businesses. That’s a huge difference between perception and reality!

"Delight the customer, engage with them--even in a simple transaction, and they will leave with a smile, and more importantly, come back, over and over again," says marketing expert and author Rachel Honig. Recently, Honig and customer service and marketing guru, Peter Shankman, co-founded the customer service consultancy, Shankman/Honig. Most of us have heard that it costs less to keep a member happy than to acquire a new one. But did you realize that it also costs less to save an unhappy member than have to acquire a new one?

The Holidays are a Great Time for Member Service to Shine

Do you have member services that keep them coming back for more?  Here are 6 tips to get you started:

  1. Relax: The holidays are stressful for everyone and dealing with the public can be exhausting. Make sure your team members know to take a step back and breathe if they find themselves becoming overwhelmed.
  1. Make sure policies are understood: When lines are longer and people are impatient it can be more likely that wrong information is given out by your team. Have them stop and ask for information if they’re unsure before giving incorrect information out. This will save lots of time and headaches in the long run.
  1. Add something extra: It can be something little like holiday flavoring at the coffee stations or candy at the counters. Little touches can make a difference.
  1. Just reach out to say hello: As a service business, credit unions usually answer calls from members. Instead, reverse the role: Pick up the phone this time and dial five members each day, just to say hello. Wish your members a happy New Year without trying to sell them a thing.
  1. Look at how you are treating your Member Service Representatives: The first place to look when wanting to up the ante in your member services is to pay attention to the people who actually deliver the experience. When your MSR's are happy, it’s easier for them to spread the joy.
  1. Look at your social channels: Make sure you are paying attention to your social channels where people my be reaching out and commenting or asking for help. You need to not only be posting content strategically, but also make sure you’re responding quickly... to both the good, the bad and the ugly.

The holidays are the perfect opportunity to show the Credit Union Difference!