Core Technology Don't Let Your Core Halt Your Future


Don't Let Your Core Halt Your Future

api integrationMembers want it all ways. They want best-in-class, personalized and fast service in branch, and they prefer only to come inside the branch if they feel like it. If they are using DIY services, they want them to be user-friendly, intuitive, and efficient. New technology is flowing out all around us in everything we do, and it's reinventing the way we interact with the world and each other. If your credit union can't provide the services your members want today and tomorrow, they can find one that will with a few clicks of their smartphone. Don't let your core be the reason you can't keep up with the pace of innovation.

You Serve Me.

Members expect you to know more about them than just their checking account balance. They want you to know that they also have a car loan, a house payment, and pay their credit card bills on time, all within in a handful of minutes. Every application, product, and service you release needs to be integrated. You need to have visibility and data from every interaction in order to improve your services, as well as serve your members the best way possible.

I Serve Me.

Members also want to be served where they are, when they need it. They don't want to come in the branch for every financial transaction; they want to help themselves. They want alternative touchpoints available besides just the branch or ATM. Modern branches with new self-service technology, like Interactive Teller Machines, can offer members the experience they are looking for.

We Serve Them.

It's a complex situation that requires complex solutions, like core API integration and Interactive Teller Machine (ITM) technology, and with the right forward-thinking core provider, it's all part of the package. These modern advancements not only benefit members, but they also reduce complexity and operating expense for the credit union. They also make your employees more efficient and effective. 

This is how you stay relevant in a competitive market, how you keep the members you have, and how you attract the ones that you don't.

“We launched new technology (ITMs) with the assistance of Bancsource and FLEX Credit Union Technology at Kelly Community Federal Credit Union, and I have had the pleasure to work both outside and inside teaching members. Everyone of them loved what the new ITMs could do for them!” - Michelle Small, Kelly Community Federal Credit Union

FLEX offers direct integration to the best cash machine solutions which completely removes the need for middleware and effectively increases machine performance and reliability while allowing members to self-serve with your credit union on their terms. Download the FLEX Cash Machine Integrations eGuide to learn more!

FLEX Cash Machine Integrations

Preston Packer

Written By: Preston Packer

Executive Vice President | CMO at FLEX Credit Union Technology
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