Core Technology Top Challenges from 2023 & How to Solve them in 2024


Top Challenges from 2023 & How to Solve them in 2024

As we usher in the new year, it's both a moment for reflection and anticipation within the credit union industry. In the ever-evolving landscape of financial technology, credit unions find themselves at the forefront of change. 

In this blog post, we dive into an analysis of last year’s biggest challenges for credit unions. Our focus is not only on identifying these challenges but on providing tangible solutions to navigate them successfully in the year ahead. As we step into 2024, armed with insights and innovation, let's unravel the strategies to fortify your credit union.

Top Challenges from 2023 & How to Solve them in 2024


In the credit union industry, tackling challenges isn't just a strategy—it's the key to meeting your institution's unique needs. Facing the complexities of financial technology head-on requires a proactive mindset. Each hurdle is a chance to improve services, streamline operations, and enhance member experiences.

As we explore the landscape of credit union challenges, we'll highlight the importance of being resilient and adaptable. Overcoming obstacles not only protects your credit union but also propels it toward a future defined by innovation and top-notch member satisfaction.


Top Challenges & Solutions

Challenge #1: Addressing the Swift Evolution of Member Expectations

In the current landscape, credit unions grapple with the challenge of adapting to rapidly changing member expectations. 2023 saw many changes in member needs.

  • Members now demand a wider array of products and services, all while desiring a streamlined and straightforward experience.
  • Notably, studies underscore the increasing significance of diversity in leadership for individuals.
  • People show an increased desire for intuitive banking app that offers them everything they need in one place. 


Overcome this challenge by embracing technology as a cornerstone strategy. The implementation of innovative digital services becomes paramount in meeting the ever-evolving needs of members. Try...

  • Investing in user-friendly mobile apps
  • Optimizing online banking interfaces
  • Establishing personalized communication channels

These efforts work together to enhance the overall member experience, ensuring that your credit union remains relevant and stays at the forefront of meeting and surpassing member expectations in this ever-changing financial world.

Meet member expectations with out member services eGuide!


Challenge #2: Navigating New Competition

As the industry continues to witness technology leveling the playing field, credit unions can break into new markets. Because of the leveled playing field, credit unions are put in direct competition with tech giants, neo banks, and fintech firms. 


A strategic approach becomes paramount in overcoming this challenge. Credit unions are encouraged to foster collaborations with fintech partners, leveraging their expertise and cutting-edge technology. Exploring strategic partnerships to introduce unique products or services adds a layer of distinctiveness.

Staying informed about industry trends is crucial for swift adaptation. By navigating this landscape with strategic finesse, your credit union can position itself as both competitors and leaders. 


Challenge #3: Confronting the Evolution of Cybersecurity Risks

Cybersecurity risks are always evolving, which makes it challenging to accurately quantify their exact number due to the ever-changing nature of fraud schemes and the new variations. However, here are some common types of fraud we see today:

  • Identity theft
  • Phishing
  • Credit card fraud
  • Account takeover
  • ATM skimming
  • Wire transfer fraud
  • Check fraud
  • Mobile banking fraud
  • Loan fraud
  • Insider fraud


To fortify against these evolving risks, credit unions must adopt a proactive stance. This can include...

  • Prioritizing cybersecurity education and training for employees establishes a culture of awareness.
  • Implementing advanced cybersecurity measures, including multi-factor authentication, encryption, and regular security audits, becomes imperative.
  • Staying aware of the latest threats and investing in robust cybersecurity infrastructure are pivotal steps to safeguard sensitive member data.

By employing a comprehensive strategy, credit unions not only mitigate risks but also instill confidence in their members, ensuring the security and integrity of their financial transactions.


Challenge #4: Balancing Continuous Membership Growth and Community Engagement

The challenge for many credit unions lies in achieving ongoing membership growth while solidifying their presence within the community they serve. 


Becoming member-focussed and member-obsessed will help you better serve your members and community. In turn, your credit union can experience growth when adding value to peoples' lives. 

A member-centric approach in technology means that you are supporting your members with the features and integrations they need for their life. This might include...

  • Early pay: do you members want or need to receive their pay check earlier than they already are? This feature is a great way to show your members that you've got their back. 
  • Quick loans: one of the best way to show your members that you are there for them when they need it the most is to help them in times of emergency and unexpected situations. By allowing them to get small loans quickly, you are building member loyalty. 
  • Fraud prevention: preventing fraudulent activity that harms your members is a fast way to lose their trust. Ensure their money is safe in your credit union with the right fraud prevention and detection technology. 

Check out our member onboarding eBook here!


Challenge #5: Regulatory Compliance and Changes

In the complex realm of financial services, credit unions face the challenges of navigating a dynamic regulatory environment. With various regulations at the federal, state, and local levels, compliance becomes a top priority.


Some credit unions often face challenges due to resource constraints. These challenges include allocating resources for comprehensive compliance management, training, and developing a robust technology infrastructure.

A proactive and strategic approach is recommended as the solution. Credit unions are urged to invest in a compliance management strategy to facilitate adherence to industry standards. This system can be composed of various features and integrations, such as...

  • RDC fraud protection
  • Identity authentication & verification
  • Transaction monitoring
  • Risk rating
  • Multi-factor authentication
  • Data Encryption

Need help with compliance? Our Compliance eGuide can help!


Discover the Perfect Tech Partner to Overcome Last Year's Hurdles

The solutions presented aren't just remedies; they are blueprints for transformation. Embracing technology, fostering collaborative partnerships, fortifying cybersecurity measures, implementing targeted marketing, and staying ahead of regulatory changes form the foundation of a resilient credit union.

At FLEX, we offer a full set of features and third-party integrations all in one place to help your credit union overcome your hurdles for this next year. Click the button below to download your copy of our integrations eGuide. Here's to a year of resilience, growth, and unparalleled achievement for your credit union.

FLEX Core Integrations eBook


Preston Packer

Written By: Preston Packer

Executive Vice President | CMO at FLEX Credit Union Technology
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