Think of your members, both existing and those you’d like to gain. While loyalty programs are a great way to grow membership, it’s important to think about the needs of your existing members as well as the target group of potential members. Do some research and find out what your specific field of membership expects from a loyalty program. This way you can meet the needs of your existing members while attracting new members too.
Develop a launch strategy. Even the best loyalty programs can’t attract members if your target audience doesn’t know it exists. The messaging must be personalized to those you want to target and reach them in their preferred delivery medium. For existing members, this may be relevant signage in your branches in addition to a direct mail campaign. However, Gen Z and Millennials will certainly be more accessible through digital platforms like email, social media, and targeted PPC ads.
Provide a seamless experience. A loyalty program that’s well thought out and targeted to the right audience will entice existing members and bring in new ones, however, the user experience is what will make them stay. Loyalty and rewards programs need to be user-friendly, otherwise, members may jump ship. Redeeming and earning rewards should be a simple process and be sure to follow through with what is promised. According to a survey conducted by Bynder and OnBrand, marketers’ top priority in 2018 is customer experience (25%) and loyalty comes in at 17%. This is indicative of members' priorities as well. Although they value loyalty and rewards, the overall member experience is what matters most. Therefore, having a loyalty/rewards program isn’t enough. The resources and experience within that program are equally important.