What about those 80% of US adults who are Non-Mobile Phone Banking Users? The same study asked them: "What are the main reasons you have decided not to use mobile banking?" Here is how they responded:
We thought it would be appropriate to share these results with our CU blog readers as many of you have begun the process of mobile banking, and are taking steps to improve your product portfolio. These numbers seem to indicate that there is still a large percentage of people not using it because their banking needs are met by traditional methods.
Time to Change the Game
For those 57% of US adults who don't use mobile banking because they are satisfied with traditional banking, perhaps it is time to look at innovations that will convince these non-mobile users it is something that they need. Like Steve Jobs and Apple, who gave the world things we now need but didn't even know we wanted, looking to technology to change the game can be a credit union's most significant marketing achievement.
And what better place to start then to look at credit union mobile lending. Giving members the ability to use their smart phone or tablet to apply for, gain approval on, and check the status of a loan may be that game changer credit unions need in their product portfolio. And it is now easier to do than you can imagine, using FLEX's innovative and integrated mobile lending solution. Join us for a webinar on October 15th at 2pm ET to see FLEX's Mobile Lending in action:
*Survey results provided by Statistic Brain.