Credit cards have long been a significant source of revenue for credit unions due to fee and interest income. However, the rise of Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) as a popular payment option has led to a decrease in overall credit card usage. This shift can potentially impact the fee and interest revenue generated by your credit union.
There is no need for your credit union to worry. Implementing effective strategies can encourage your members to make the most out of their credit cards.
There are many reasons why your members might opt for using BNPL instead of credit cards. Those reasons might include…
While your members may choose BNPL over your credit card, there are numerous advantages to using their credit card. Responsible credit card usage can boost members’ credit scores, and credit cards offer perks like rewards and higher spending limits that BNPL lacks. Let's not forget the added security and fraud protection that comes with credit card usage.
Although the payment options are crowded and competitive when someone is ready to check out, there are still great ways to help your members get the most out of their payment options, especially credit cards. To help you, FLEX has authored a guide to help you get a competitive edge and achieve operational efficiency with your card. Click the button below to learn more.